Saturday, March 4, 2023

Commander Farsight Spotted!

"For so long we have fought to cleanse the Be'gel menace from our worlds. Together we have become the wave that washes away their filth. The stone on which they break. Together, at last, we hold the chance for final victory in our grasp."

Att: Commander Farsight

What we know so far is that Farsight and the Enclaves that bear his name will face disaster during the "War of Dakka."

Described as piloting a new "bleeding edge" Xv-86 Supernova battlesuit (not to be confused with the original Coldstar Xv-86 battlesuit) courtesy of Fio'O Vesa of the Eight. Designed for command, this XV-86 is upgraded with enhanced command and control suites guided by an on-board artificial intelligence who bears the same name of Supernova.

Previously thought concluded in the greater Tau Commonwealth after the awakening of Shadowsun, it appears that the War of Dakka has continued unabated in the Enclaves against the Ork warlord Nazdreg of the Bad Moons.

We'll keep you up to date in the Arks of Omen book "Farsight" slated for later this year!

Some speculation on this writer's part:

We might be looking at a piece of Blackstone, potentially a talisman which appeared in the short-lived Enclave Codex. These devices protect the user of psyker influence and attack, a powerful ward that Farsight seemed to have recovered from Arthas Moloch, the world where his three Ethereals were assassinated during his reclamation.

And... of course... it could always mean the most unlikely pairing ever conceived in warhammer 40,000:

The Dawnblade is looking pretty beat up too with additional scratches and four unusual marks in the fuller of the blade.


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