Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The Battledome: Tau Index Top Picks!

 Hey everyone, Redrix-3 here! I'm sure we're all very excited (or apprehensive) regarding the newest edition of Warhammer 40'000. With the release of the points I thought I would do a quick post regarding my initial top 6 picks! Hopefully this helps guide you in the right direction. Keep in mind these aren't objectively the best units, just what I'll probably test out first!

#6: Crisis Battlesuits

 Army-wide we received some heavy nerfs to our AP values, losing pips on our Plasma Rifles, Missile Pods, Airbursting, and even on the base profile of the Cyclic ion blaster. However! We did gain a very unique ability for a non-battleline unit especially with the amount of available mobility. Tubro-jets is huge in what I think is going to be a very movement dependent meta with how some objectives can be moved, some "razed", and even spawning new ones! Being able to throw a unit with the honestly not bad shooting (especially since we get free wargear!!! INCLUDING DRONES) onto the mid board with a Commander can shift a side of the board entirely in your favor. On top of the fact that they can sit at 3+/4++/6+++ at 6 WOUNDS (from the Stimm Injector Strategem) you have an relatively hardy unit which we definitely lacked in the previous editions. All at 195 points per 3 models! They also can hit on 3+ BS with a Spotter, along with ignoring modifiers from the Weapon Support System. Since they're vehicles they can also shoot out of and into combat even when they're the unit engaged. If you get tagged in melee you can also overwatch out! 


#5: Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit

While the Coldstar did take some heavy nerfs with the loss of its High-altitude Manoeuvres I think it still came around pretty well. With the ability to give a unit of Crisis ASSAULT when they automatically advance 6" for a total of 18" they can threaten any mid-field objective, potentially even a backfield depending on placement. Then afterwards you can spend 2 cp to move them 12" again. We did get knocked down to 3+ BS on our commanders, spotters bring that back up to 2+ anyways. Exemplar of the Kauyon to give the unit its leading SUSTAINED HITS 1 or 2 on Turn 2 instead of 3 is especially nice. 

#4: Breacher Team

I'm sorry, 3+ BS on our BATTLELINE unit? While we did lose the AP, so did almost everything else in the game. Breach and Clear is effectively rolled into the profile, and they get -1 to wound, free turret (though they probably will not be Stationary often), and Devilfishes can have them get out after advancing. Cadre Fireblades can get them up to 3 shots per model with their Volley Fire ability, and makes that SUSTAINED HIT bonus from Kauyon even better. 

#3: Stealth Battlesuits


Slap a Markerlight drone with these bad boys and you have the perfect Observer unit. 75 points per model, Infiltrate, AND can Rapid Ingress for extra cheekiness. They also are our only source for giving out reroll 1s and man they are perfect for it. Free upgrades means your Shas'vre can have 3 wounds and be able to advance and provide MARKERLIGHT. There also is a world where you can give them a Gun Drone so they are "eligible to shoot" after advancing for cheeky mission secondaries. Honestly they just got better overall.  

#2: Piranha


55 points. Run the Fusion and your free Seeker missiles and you have a real good bully. Super fast to move block, good spotters, and a really good ability. Sure they only have a 4+ and T7 but 7 wounds is not anything to sneeze at, and will take at least a small amount of shooting. Having a few of these move up Turn One will keep your opponent on the back foot! 

#1: Ghostkeel Battlesuit

BY THE PATH! IT'S GOOD. LIKE REALLY GOOD!! It has Lone Operative, Infiltrate, high strength Fusion, Saviour Protocols, and can fall back and shoot for free! And it is only 170 points! You can run it with the Fusion and be hyper aggressive or have it sit back with the Cyclic Ion Raker and just chuck shots downrange with nothing firing back. 2+ Save too! I have high hopes for our big sneaky fella. 

Final Thoughts:

We have a bunch of other good datasheets! Honestly I think there will be some clear favorites and best units but everything is at least somewhat decent. Between the Riptide being able to get DEVASTATING WOUNDS on its main weapon, Broadsides being able to hit on 2s with their Heavy Rail Rifles, Stormsurges having TOWERING, and even Commander Farsight getting to roll 10 base dice for a tank shock we have TONS of good options. I'm hopeful for the Forgeworld datasheets, maybe even the Y'vahra and R'varna will get some love!

Thanks for reading, 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Focus: Tau Auxiliaries

Tau Auxiliaries

When the Tau first came out back in the early 2000's the idea was that we'd get something never before seen in the war-torn galaxy of Warhammer 40,000.

No, not Mechas, they're cool, and no not just a faction that doesn't use skulls as its primary aesthetic. No.

We were told the Tau would be a rare coalition of dozens of alien species actually cooperating together to survive and thrive. There would even be humans who had joined this cause!

And we got a grand total of two purchasable units in the last two+ decades!

sad Tau noises

But in the face of adversity and the lack of attention from GW (sometimes I almost wish we had lieutenants) our community has risen to the challenge and come up with some absolutely incredible interpretations and inventions this hobby can contain.

Take a look!

Official List

Let's kick off with the official species mentioned over the years from Black Library to White Dwarf Community articles.

As a quick primer; not all species mentioned are fully integrated or even really a "part" of the Commonwealth. There appears to be several 'ranks' of membership, which, makes sense since the Tau break everything from hierarchy to colonial types into these categories.

All races seem to have full access to void-travel be it by their own vessels or the Tau commerce fleet. Additionally, all races seem to have an affinity for one Caste or another with the exception of the Gue'vesa (humans) who have adopted all of the Castes with the seeming exception of the Ethereals.

There are "Full-Member" species like the Kroot or Vespid. They get colonial rights like we see on Kronos. They also have a more liberal access to Tau weaponry and technology as well as the ability to lead Tau forces.

Then there are "Member" species which seems to be a little more restricted. These might include untested or newly incorporated Gue'vesa.

Lastly are "Client" species which seem to include ideal mercenaries and trading partners and seem to operate completely autonomously from the rest of the Commonwealth.

Incredible artwork by Nictanova

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Patient Painter Contest

 The Patient Painter 


The Tau Discord has two annual painting contests. In Sept'ember we have the Fist of Mont'ka but, after such an eventful spring, we thought it would be great to add another one in honor of the release of Commander Farsight.

And so was born The Patient Painter, a month long painting contest where our contestants share their work on the Discord and then submit final photos which we have below.

Things are really growing for the Tau fanbase in terms of community engagement be it on Reddit or Discord or Facebook and it is the hope of this blog to continue to intertwine those communities so that we can work together in pursuit of our shared hobby and our love of the blue xenos of the Warhamme 40,000 universe.

As a part of our growing coalition is the Puretide Program headed by Kyle Grundy who has risen to tabletop fame in recent years and now has his very own community which he uses to promote tactics and community events.

He joins us now with Z0rr0, to discuss painting, hobbying and our contestants!

                                                  Our contestants!





Admiral Skye 


I'd also like to share the work of wEstp0le who couldn't get in under the wire but has some incredible line work for his Farsight:

And if you want to go and check out some of Z0rr0's work... it's incredible as well:

Thank you so much for your participation in the painting contest, it was wonderful to watch you work and to see these models come to life. Thank you to the judges and to the community for it's continued support!


Sept'ember: Fist of Mont'ka Painting Competition Results

  Our second "Fist of Mont'ka" annual painting competition has finished. We had over a dozen entrants, but only 8 finished the...